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Winter drives
Winter drives
Each year North India experiences harsh winters for almost 3 months where hundreds of people die due to near-zero temperature. Unfortunately, about 70% of people losing life each year are mostly young children and older people. Our volunteers work with societies and offices across NCR and collect old warm clothes and blankets. All these clothes are then divided between volunteers from different areas so that we can help people living on the roads across NCR and not just be focused on some areas. Before doing a drive, our volunteers go and identify areas where people are in real need and avoid some areas where help is available in abundance. Once the area is identified, we conduct a distribution drive of warm clothes and blankets. We always start our drive late at night to ensure people who are living on the roads are the only ones there and not others who have houses or street vendors queuing up. We have been doing these drives since 2014 and have helped thousands of people.