Covid is a harsh reality… We can complain or We can do something to help

Breathe India

Breathe india

We have been getting multiple calls for help as people are trying to arrange oxygen cylinders, trying to refill them, oxygen concentrator and all efforts are going in vain. Recently we also lost many of our family members to a shortage of oxygen which left us in grief. But we don’t want to accept this as a reality and many people we spoke to offered to help fight this situation rather than expressing sympathy.

We are starting a campaign on various fund-raising websites that will help us to fight this situation and save lives. You can either join us as a volunteer or donate and also help spread the word. We will put in every bit to save as many lives as we can as every life counts in this situation.

Our objective is to raise funds and we have certain targets:

  1. If we are able to raise upto Rs.50 lakhs then we will buy Oxygen Concentrators and give them to Government, Defence force and Charity run hospitals to convert non-oxygen beds to oxygen beds.

  2. In case we can raise over Rs. 50 lakhs then we will use the funds to set up as many Oxygen plants as we can (starting around 35 lakhs each) in Government and Charity run hospitals. These are portable plants that are made in factories and can be installed in hospitals. One plant, depending on its size can easily help add 200-300 Oxygen beds.

In case you want to donate then please go use the ‘Donate now’ section or search us on ‘Ketto’ and donate there. If you want to volunteer, then please read below the details of all the teams we have created and let us know where you want to join. You can also join two teams at one point and note that all support is virtual, and we do not have to go out.

We need to be well-coordinated and organized to achieve this goal and need volunteer support for the following teams:

  1. Procurement team: It will shortlist vendors who can supply us the required number and also understand the import process. We will have to import cylinders and concentrators while for oxygen plant we need to get short-list a vendor who is cost and time efficient.
  2. Quality team: this team will coordinate with doctors and try to identify right product. We will need help to identify right type of cylinder and concentrator, which then procurement team will work to find a quality vendor for. Once a vendor is short-listed the quality team will again review the product to see if it meets criteria mentioned by doctors. Also focus is to buy a product which is low maintenance.
  3. PR team: this team will help to create a crowdfunding on various platforms and also reach out through social media. This team can also reach out to CSR teams of various companies to create awareness. This team will also be responsible to share key updates on various platforms.
  4. Accounting team: All funds will divert to one bank account and no cash will be accepted. This team will update around donations received once every day to the entire group and also work with the Procurement team to see how many products can be purchased.
  5. Distribution team: this team needs to identify places where we can distribute and this has to be across India. Also half of our purchases will go to rural areas as they are suffering the worst while the media is also not able to reach them. This team also needs to identify trusted courier partners to help us deliver the products to the right people.
  6. Donor support and Audit: all donors will get confirmation of their donation and also acknowledgement of how their donation has impacted and how many people will benefit from them. In case donors have any queries then this is the main team which will resolve. This is a very important team as they will know the amount received per donor and we will tally data of this team and Accounts team to make sure we have 100% transparency and money is going only for the right cause.
  7. Volunteer support across teams: We will create a set of volunteers who can help various teams as required and also continue to create awareness about this initiative in various platforms. Some of these teams will get busy at various points and they will need help and that is when this group will be able to help. 

Please email us at or go to ‘Contact us’

you can also give your monetary contribution